Top 10 Projected Benefits of Membership

  1. Coaching and instruction with regard to the practical implementation of Word and Spirit in the life of the local church via a twice-monthly email newsletter.
  2. Fellowship, mutual encouragement, and prayer support by and for member churches. We envision member pastors and churches to connect deeply not only in theology but in relationships in such a way that all may speak into the lives of others.
  3. The opportunity to attend annual or semi-annual gatherings for instruction and hands-on training in the exercise of all spiritual gifts.
  4. Access to theologically informed and biblically rooted literature produced by the leadership of the network as well as by other member churches.
  5. Periodic consultation to assist pastors and local churches navigate the challenges typically faced in today’s world, especially as it pertains to the convergence of Word and Spirit. This would entail regularly scheduled Zoom meetings with Dr. Storms (and, when possible, other members of CCN leadership).
  6. Exclusive access to online instructional videos and E-courses from Sam Storms and Michael Rowntree (and other leaders of the Network).
  7. Communication between and interaction among the member churches to help facilitate Word and Spirit in each local church. CCN exists, in part, to help foster the sort of camaraderie among Christians that brings light and life to each. Collaboration and consistent, regular communication among member churches is essential if a church wishes to avoid the sterility of isolationism.
  8. To provide guidance to avoid the extremes in either the functional authority of Scripture or the practice of spiritual gifts. When problems arise in the course of ministry, our aim is to help you understand and navigate your way through to a biblically rooted solution.
  9. When controversies or crises emerge for which you need intercessory prayer support, we would communicate this to member churches (with your express permission) so that they can pray for you and provide whatever counsel they might have from having faced similar circumstances in their churches.
  10. Although our primary focus is on the fruitful implementation of Word and Spirit in local church life, when possible, we will address broader theological and biblical controversies and questions when they emerge.

To receive these anticipated benefits of the Network, a pastor or church must fully affirm the Network’s Theological Convictions and Statement of Faith, and apply for membership. Upon being received into membership, the following requirements are necessary.

Four Ongoing Membership Requirements

  1. Annual heartfelt affirmation by the Senior Pastor and Board of Elders of each of the preceding foundational truths.
  2. To help with administrative costs, we ask member churches to contribute 1% of their annual budget to CCN. However, we do not want to impose an undue burden on your church. If 1% is more than you can give, we are happy to work with members to adjust the amount. Contributions can be paid in whatever way is most convenient, either in one single lump sum annually, in two biannual payments, or on a monthly basis.
  3. A commitment to pray for, encourage, instruct, and support other member churches as the need may arise.
  4. A commitment to regularly participate in quarterly and/or bi-annual and/or annual events hosted by the network and its flagship church.

Member churches are always free to withdraw from the Network at any time as the Elders of said churches deem proper. No penalty of any sort will be imposed for this decision.

Since the Elders of local churches are ultimately responsible to the Lord for how they shepherd their congregations (Hebrews 13:17), the Network does not assume responsibility for monitoring matters of orthodoxy or orthopraxy, although there is always a place for network leadership and other member churches to bring clarity to both when it is needed. Of course, member churches may be removed from the network if it is determined that they have deviated significantly from the theological and ethical principles stated in this document.

Member churches are permitted to maintain dual affiliation with other networks, denominations, or associations so long as the latter does not hold to doctrines that are in conflict with the theological distinctives of CCN. Also, dual affiliation should not be pursued if such were to inhibit a member church from meeting its financial commitment to CCN.

By-Laws of CCN are always available to member churches upon request.